Self-Compensating dripper with Self-Cleaning 2, 3, 4 and 8 L/H.
- Self-Cleaning System at the beginning of each irrigation cycle.
- Very low profile online insertion dripper that reduces water clogging inside the tube, as well as facilitating the extension and collection of the irrigation sides.
- Manufactured with technical materials and highly resistant to the most adverse conditions of water, fertilizers or other products normally used in agriculture.
- Available with side water outlets or with collator for microtubes or distributor.
- Working pressure: PC: 0,6 to 3,5 Atm.
- Requires 120/130 micron mesh filtration (recommended with sand filtration required according to available water).
- Injected dripper with very low CV (Coefficient of variation).
- UV resistance. Great durability of its top quality technical materials.
- For 16 mm diameter (PE) pipes. and thickness of 1.2 mm. 4 mm perforation/puncture.
- Emitter output for 3 mm microtube. (D. inside) or adapter.
- Watering in nurseries, vineyards, olive groves, fruit trees and other trees.
- Specific for terrains with large topographic unevenness or large pressure drops.